Friday, 27 January 2012

Birthday Party At School

Ive baked 3 cakes and decorated all alone. Tired but I'm satisfied with all my work. Sleepless nite again. Its Ain, Anna and Yusof birthday celebration today. Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tummy Auwwww!!

My tummy hurt! Tired sleepless nite. I'm on leave again.Haish... 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Long Journey

I'm on leave today. My journey started at 2.45pm. Walked from home to Bus stand, travel by bus to TBS and it took about 2hrs. I'm lucky because i catches the train as soon as i reached the train station. Its heavy rain outside. I reached home about 7.45pm. After 5hrs journey, at last i can take shower and get some rest. What a   day.. Tired but i cant sleep.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Happy Birthday Zaim!!

Happy birthday budak kelat!! Dah 10 thn dah. Tp perangai cam baby2. hehe... Buat kek Chocolate mud dan Carrot utk dia. Nak kek Dinoland katenye tp dinosaur dia beso gajah. Bistu aku letak je badak air. Dinosaur tak muat nk letak. Kwn2 dia ramai dtg, nampak dia hepi. Yang tak bestnye... dia letak air teh o ais atas lake kat kek tu... haishhhh!! Notty!

The best pau goreng yg aku pernah makan made by my mom. Takde yg lg sedap dr yg ni. Yummzzz!

Nugget ni MASIN!! Ayamas ni nak suruh pembeli semua dapat darah tggi kot.. haizz

Sangat sedap. Aku mmg suka pasta. So, this one really made my day. Cukup rasa semua... credit to my sis!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

Few pics from my camera. Love the colors of the celebration. This year is Water Dragon year. They said Chinese New Year is the time to welcome long live, wealth, good fortune, prosperity and to eliminate negative energy or evil spirits from the past. Chinese New Year is typically a 14 days celebration. There is a common belief that during the 14 days of the lunar new year celebration, that the way you act and the things you do during those crucial first days of the new lunar period will set the tone for the rest of the year.  So everyone will be on their best behavior. So, Happy Chinese New Year everyone! 
Oh.. I also added curry puff pic here. Bought it from IKEA. Im addicted to it, Very!

Sunday, 22 January 2012


Went out to groceries shopping today with the family. Saw lovely clouds on the way home. I love clouds. Took few pic and these 2 is the best. 

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Friday, 20 January 2012

Im here, at Kampungku Terchenta!

Im happy today. Im here in Melaka with the family. I woke up this morning and saw my mom's face, heard her voice. Felt so calm and comfortable, then I continue my sleep until 12noon. What a long and gud sleep. hehehe..  My mom bought some kuih that i like. How sweet. Got roti canai too. Ate alot. No diet when im here. Watched Mari-A tale of a dog and her 3 puppies. Very touching, Nanges!! sob.. For those who dont watch it yet, u should do. Very gud film to watch. :)

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Cracked Heels.. ouch!

Because of cracked heels, Im sleeping with this socks every nite. After put on some Vaseline moisture lock lotion for a few days, its heals. Yes.. but still need to continue everything. Maybe i will sleep with this style forever.. heheh. Feels warm but its ok. :p

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


I am very angry! Yaaa!! aku tengah marah, sangat2 marah. Salah sorang dari student kelas aku bercerita dengan parent dia pasal aku. Dia bercakap berkenaan perkara yang tak patut di sebut oleh budak berumur 4 tahun dan yang lagi aku marah dia tuduh kawan dia yang bercerita. Lagi buat aku marah bila maknya bercerita sambil gelak2 macam la kelakar sangat. Ape la punya mak.. anak cakap psl benda camtu pon dia boleh gelak. Kalau esok lusa budak tu menyebut pasal luar dalam kain org, baru dia tau. Aku padankan aje muka dia. Dia yang ajar. Dia suka! Esoknya aku tanya kawan dia betul ke dia ade ckp mcm tu. Dan terbukti sangkaan aku benar. Dia bohong. Yang mengeluarkan perkataan tu ialah dia sendiri dan bukan kawan dia. Nasib tak baik la kan. Aku denda dia sbb berbohong dan mulut celupar. Kurang ajar betul. Satu hari aku tak pedulikan dia. Aku tau dia sedih. Akupon sedih, tapi aku nak dia tau ape dia buat tu salah. Nasib la aku masih boleh sabar. Akhirnya, salah sorang kawannya suruh dia minta maaf dr aku. Aku jadi sedih bila dia minta maaf sambil menangis. Berkali-kali dia ckp maaf dan cium tgn aku. Hilang marah aku pd dia. aku pon taklah kejam sgt, aku maafkan dia dan bg lecture sket.. hahhah. Aku pelik la dengan bebudak zaman sekarang, kenape la kurang ajar sangat.  Salah siapa? Hadooiiiyaiiiii...

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Nasi Kerabu Again

Another pic of Nasi Kerabu. This one really yumzz.. Had this for brunch.

Ive the recipe but Im lazy to make since I can buy this easily. Got many people sell this Nasi around here. But I want to share the recipe here incase someone wanna try it.

6 - 8 cups cooked rice . Cooked in the blue extract of the Clitoria ternatea dried flowers. 
This produces the classic blue rice of this dish. 

Kerabu : 
3 medium fish (traditionally mackerel), grilled and flaked 
8 shallots 
2.5 cm (1 in) ginger 
250g (say 8 ¾ oz) grated coconut to make *kerisik. (toasted coconut) 
1/4 teaspoon white pepper 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon sugar 

1 litre (4 cups) coconut milk 
10 dried chillies, soak in hot water discard seeds 
8 shallots 
2 slices asam keping. Subst sour tamarind 
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed slightly 
1 teaspoon sugar 
1 teaspoon salt 

Garnish : 
1 cucumber 
6 sprigs laksa leaf, finely sliced 
6 long beans, finely sliced 
2 lemongrass bulbs, finely sliced 
6 sprigs Thai basil leaves, finely sliced 
2 tablespoons (30 ml) Fish Sauce. 
5 bird's eye chillies, sliced 
1 lime, sliced in segments 

To make the kerisik, toast the grated coconut in a dry pan, over low heat while stirring constantly until it turns golden brown. Set aside to cool. 
Blend the ginger and shallots together until fine either with a processor or a mortar and pestle. Add the flaked fish, blended ingredients, and kerisik in a bowl and mix well. Season with salt and sugar and place in a serving dish. 

Blend the chillies and shallots together with a processor. Put the blended spices with coconut milk, asam keping/tamarind and lemongrass into a pot and bring to simmer. Add salt and sugar to taste and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Transfer to a serving bowl. 

Arrange all the sliced ingredients onto a serving platter. In a separate bowl put the Fish Sauce and sliced bird's eye chillies with lime wedges on the side. 

On the rice place a generous amount of kerabu plus some garnishes. Sprinkle the fish sauce and mix these additions with the rice together. Serve as a side dish to a mains.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Spring Cleaning

  • I loveeee Books! Very!
  • Have many books to read and most of them related to cooking and baking.
  • I want to learn other language this year and hope i will manage to do it when i have free time.
  • Done with my spring cleaning today and still have things that I dont know where to put them.
  • Haizzz!
  • Maybe i need to buy small drawer or cabinet to make everything look nicer than now.
  • Ermmm... Got few things in mind. Will clear everything later,whenever I want to.
  • Heheh..
  • Later.... ;)

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Out And About!

Went to Ikea and places around there. Just window shopping since I don't have any extra money left. Just bought Simple Facial Wash and moisturizer. Got free under eye cream and RM5.00 off. After a few hours there, we went to Ayob Cafe at Kota Damansara for dinner. Had hot plate Chicken Chop and Grilled Chicken. YUMYUM but its very bad in service. We wait more than an hour for the food. Haishhh!!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Bowling Time

I went to BB Golf Club for bowling with my frens today. What a funny game. We all not good in bowling but who cares??!! Its fun, indeed. Laughed and shouted. Its a good therapy for us. Will do this again some other time. HAPPY!! 

Ughh.. DENGKI!!!

Aku tak tau la kenapa org dengki sgt dengan pokok ni. Aku tunggu buahnya masak tapi alih2 pokok ni diracun orang. Dan yang lagi best doorbell dan tutup tong sampah umah pon orang curi. Agaknya diorang kurang kerja dah kot. Takpe la.. Allah maha kaya. Diorang akan dapat balasan setimpal dengan ape yang diorang buat tu... Sakit jugak hati, tapi sabar itu sebahagian daripada IMAN.. 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Wednesday thingy

Currently reading this book.
A lot of info about kids and all things that related to them.
Am enjoy it everytime. 
Im always read it during break time in PG 1 room with door close.
But they think Im sleeping.
Hello... sometimes we need time to be alone. 
I think its better to be quiet and alone in a room.
Reading or play games... rather than wasting time just like that.
They just dunt understand me..
Oh btw, met annoying parent today. She didn't know how much she'd annoyed us.
Called every 2 hours, always peek on us, very fussy.
Haiyaaaa... kalau fussy sangat, JAGA SENDIRI LA!! Bongok!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Aku sangat-sangat sukakan hujan. Tak tau kenapa tp bagi aku hujan amat menyenangkan. Dingin dan mendamaikan. Setiap kali kalau hujan aku mesti akan rasa senang hati. Masa kecik2 dulu aku selalu mandi hujan dgn adik beradik yg lain. Mandi sampai kecut jari2 sbb kesejukkan. Harini hujan turun, walaupon tak lebat tapi aku rasa happy. Sebab dah seminggu kot hujan tak turun. Masa2 hujan macam ni aku selalu teringat kampung. Mak selalu goreng jejemput dan buat air kopi masa dulu2. Syok giler makan sampai tak ingat perut dah kenyang sgt. Masa sekolah dulu kalau hujan best sebab tak payah gi skolah. Kampung aku banjir. Tak boleh keluar ke Pekan pun. Heheh.. kenangan. Ape2 pun aku happy sbb masih boleh menikmati hujan macam zaman kanak-kanak. Kalau balik kampung, hujan lebat.. aku akan ajak anak2 buah aku mandi  ujan. Yeayyy... Aku tak kisah org nak cakap ape.. yang penting aku hepi and enjoy ujan time. :p

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Silent Monday

.On The Way To School.
Im on silent mode. Reason - Hate them!
No breakfast, no lunch, no teatime.
Just plain water and Milo.
Watched Ombak Rindu on break time - venue : PG1 room.
No OT - bored, not in the mood to OT.
Why everybody wanna talk to me when im not in the mood to talk to them.
 For the time being, Im Still mad at them, seriously I cant accept what they did to me.
Cepat la masa berlalu.... 

Monday, 9 January 2012


Found this photo in my pics folder. Taken in Dublin, Ireland, year 2009.
Still remember the feeling. Oh.. I miss winter...

My oh My..

Had macadamia and almond ice cream as midnite snack.
Reason : I will start my diet tomorrow so i cannot eat ice cream. :(
I need my facial wash now, really! Cant find it in any shop here. 
Addicted to J-Lo's Get On The Floor - reason? Dunno!
Cant sleep because i slept few hours before 7pm, now im wide awake.
Really need my facial wash... uwaaaaaaa...

Sunday, 8 January 2012


Last week's photo from the beach. Lovely sunset...


Had simple breakfast this morning. 
Heinz Baked Beans
Campbell Wild Mushrooms Soup
Massimo Wheatgerm Sandwich Loaf
and Soyrich. Alhamdulillah...

Today's matter.

I had nasi kerabu for dinner. Yummy and this one used Bunga Telang. Bluish in colour and unique in taste. Slurrrppp..

Bunga Telang / Butterfly Pea / Clitoria Flower. They usually use this flower to make Nasi Kerabu. The cooked rice will appear bluish in colour.

My favourite Soy Milk. Always out of stock. Finally i found it at Tesco and its cheap, only RM1.89 each. Bought it alot, yeay!!. Heheh... 

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Thank You...

Im happy today! Feel so lucky to have him everytime im sad and down. His words pampered me. He gave me so much to think about. Yeah, I will ignore everything that happened yesterday, will forget it. Will forgive them, but i wont ask them for forgiveness since its not my fault. I will follow the flow. Just wait and see what happen next... till now.. Im speechless... 

Friday, 6 January 2012

Being bullied!

What the heck are they thinking and why me everytime??!! Since the 1st month im there they always take me for granted. Im tired of all this. When its comes to schedule, im always mad. Its because they think im okay with everything. They will ask me to do this and that and change my schedule as they like. Who they think they are???!! Im really mad, frustrated and sad! When there is new fellow in our school, there will be a big change on our schedule. Im satisfied at 1st, but when they changed it again and again, i think its too much. Why they need to push me around just because of that fellow??!! At last, i cried. Because im mad at them. Fucking idiotic person! I have right to complaint. And sorry to say that I really hate YOU!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Am sick and tired... :((

Another lame day as usual. Im sick today and hate it! Idk if i can get better tomorrow. Need to go to work. Got so much to do before weekend. Class will start on Monday and i need to manage everything before that. Im gonna sleep, maybe. Slept a few hours after shower and now im totally awake. Oh.. I love ice cream! hehe..


Indeed! :(

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Nasi Ayam

Today's lunch - Nasi Ayam. Yumzzzzz!!

Bahan-bahan ( 4 orang )
3 cwn beras
**1 ekor ayam
**1/2 ulas halia
**3 ulas bawang putih
**kayu manis
**Daun Pandan dan sedikit garam

Bahan Ayam Madu
Ayam yg dah direbus 1/2 masak
3 ulas bawang putih*
1 biji bawang besar*
2 sdb sos tiram*
2 sdb madu*
Sedikit kicap manis*
Kisar bhn bertanda *

Bahan Sos
*Sos Ikan
*5 biji Cili Merah
*1 inci Halia
*5 ulas Bawang Putih
*Sedikit air perahan limau/lime
*Gula, garam dan jus lemon

Bahan Sup
Sedikit isi ayam
1 1/2 liter air
1/2 bhgn kubis bulat - hiris sederhana
2 batang carrots - buang kulit dan potong 4 ke 5 bhgn
1 biji kentang yang besar - buang kulit dan potong 6 bhgn
Garam secukup rasa
1 biji bawang besar - cincang

Bahan Kicap Pedas
1/2 cwn kicap manis
1 ulas bawang putih
20 biji cili padi
1/2 biji limau nipis


Untuk Nasi
Gunakan bahan2 bertanda **
Rebus Ayam. Masukkan daun pandan dan sedikit garam untuk perisa. Jangan masak ayam terlalu lama. 
Keluarkan ayam dari air rebusan tadi dan potong ayam beberapa bahagian (ikut suka). Ketepikan dan simpan air rebusan ayam tadi untuk masak nasi dan sup nanti.
Basuhkan beras hingga bersih, ketepikan sementara dan Tumis halia dan bawang putih hingga naik bau. Masukkan bahan tumis tadi kedalam nasi. Masukkan air rebusan ayam tadi ke dalam beras, kayu manis dan daun pandan. Masakkan nasi macam biasa.

Untuk Ayam Madu
Ayam yg dah direbus 1/2 masak td diperap dgn bahan kisar selama 3 jam.
Goreng ayam hingga garing, angkat & hidangkan.

Untuk Sos Cili 
Kisar cili merah, halia dan bawang putih dengan sedikit air hingga halus.
Campurkan sos ikan, jus lemon, garam dan gula secukup rasa. Gaul sebati.

Untuk Sup
Didihkan stok ayam dan masukkan isi ayam. Tutup periuk dan biarkan sup mendidih selama 20 minit. Gunakan api sederhana.
Masukkan bawang besar dan carrots dan biarkan lagi mendidih.
Masukkan pula kentang dan biarkan hingga kentang empuk.
Last sekali masukkan kobis dan tambah garam secukup rasa. Biarkan kubis lembut dan tutupkan api.

Untuk Kicap Pedas
Kisar semua bahan hingga halus, perah limau nipis dan hidang.

Tired, Lazy & I miss that Panget!

Very busy day. 1st working day on 2012 makes me feel stressed. Super!! New kids, old kids that came today after long holidays. They all cried a lot. I hate that, makes me headache. Started with late alarm rang, simple shower and no breakfast. Sigh... I walked faster to school. 5 min late, Thank God! There is new teacher at our school. She will teach 5 and 6 yrs old kids. Don't mind about her. Me, as always, very talkative but not with her. Im just do what ever I need to.  Feel tired and cold. Not started my diet yet, am still enjoying my food.. heheh. Just imagine how happy I am everytime i see all the delish food. Yum Yum!
Nothing weird happen today, just me.. Im drowning in my own world on and off. I just think about something I cant get off my head. Kept thinking about it over and over again. ........ Oh, BTW...


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Craving! Haish...

Planning to bake RV Cake for New Year celebration, but Im too bz. Still craving and hope I will manage to bake this soon. RV oh RV come to mommyyyy!!

Am Tired

Im traveled from my hometown to Rawang started at 12.45pm. Sat on the bus with other passengers silently. Just enjoyed my MP3 player. Arrived at TBS at 2.30pm. Gosh! my luggage so heavy. Met a college girl who is worried about the train. Haha.. Im used to it - late, slow and this and that. No seat available.. haizz.. Im in ladies coach. There are few guys in that coach. What a moron! Cant u read???? Its a ladies coach at all time! Its annoying when i saw a "LADIES" with mustaches! Went to McD, am starving actually. Its raining at that time. Then continue travel by bus, now, am here in my room and writing my blog. Too tired and need rest... will get up early tommorow. Till then, NiteNite and sweet dream ;)

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Im planning to starts my blog yesterday but Im too bz to write. So here I am, starts writing my blog about my life, my interest, my family, and everything that related to me. Sorry for my bad english, if something wrong with it.. just ignore. And sometime I will write in Malay when i feel like to. Smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!